

Personal information


Toshiro Ohashi


Engineering building A6-30



Other issues

  • Research

    My main research areas include cell biomechanics such as cell remodeling in response to mechanical stimuli, biomechanics of soft tissues in health and disease, bio-MEMS such as development of engineered matrix to measure cell traction forces and bioassay systems towards a high throughput single cell analysis.

  • Experience

    2010~ Present Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University

    2010 Guest Professor, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University (-March 2011)

    2009 Present Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University

    2008 Academic Fellow, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

    2004-2005 Academic Fellow, Queen Mary University of London

    2001-2008 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    2000 Ph.D., Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    1997-2002 Research Associate, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    1994-1997 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University

    1994 M.S., Graduate School of Engineering, Tsukuba Universityv

    1991 B.S., School of Mechanical Engineering, Tsukuba University

  • Honor

    2009 JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 2007, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    2008 JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 2007, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    2004 Young Investigators Award of Japan Society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering

    2004 The Seguchi Prize (12th) in Bioengineering in 2003, Division of Biomedical Engineering of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    2002 Outstanding Paper Award at International Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering (Singapore, Dec 4-7, 2002)

    2002 Finalist for a Calgary Award at the IV World Congress of Biomechanics (Calgary, Canada, August 4-9, 2002)

    2002 Young Investigators Award of Japan Society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering

    2001 Award for Best Poster at 2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference (Snowbord, Utaf, USA, June 27-July 1, 2001)

    2000 Outstanding paper award at the 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (Singapore, 6-9 Dec, 2000)

    2000 JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 1999, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

Special Assistant Professor(Ambitious Special Assistant Professor)



Ryota Toyohara


Mechanical Engineering Reserch Building 3-01



Other issues

  • Research

    My main research areas include cell biomechanics such as cell remodeling in response to mechanical stimuli, biomechanics of soft tissues in health and disease, bio-MEMS such as development of engineered matrix to measure cell traction forces and bioassay systems towards a high throughput single cell analysis.

  • Experience

    2010~ Present Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University

    2010 Guest Professor, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University (-March 2011)

    2009 Present Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University

    2008 Academic Fellow, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

    2004-2005 Academic Fellow, Queen Mary University of London

    2001-2008 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    2000 Ph.D., Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    1997-2002 Research Associate, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

    1994-1997 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University

    1994 M.S., Graduate School of Engineering, Tsukuba Universityv

    1991 B.S., School of Mechanical Engineering, Tsukuba University

  • Honor

    2009 JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 2007, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    2008 JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 2007, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    2004 Young Investigators Award of Japan Society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering

    2004 The Seguchi Prize (12th) in Bioengineering in 2003, Division of Biomedical Engineering of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    2002 Outstanding Paper Award at International Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering (Singapore, Dec 4-7, 2002)

    2002 Finalist for a Calgary Award at the IV World Congress of Biomechanics (Calgary, Canada, August 4-9, 2002)

    2002 Young Investigators Award of Japan Society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering

    2001 Award for Best Poster at 2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference (Snowbord, Utaf, USA, June 27-July 1, 2001)

    2000 Outstanding paper award at the 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (Singapore, 6-9 Dec, 2000)

    2000 JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 1999, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


Doctoral Course

Takaya Yoriki

DC1 student

Prefecutre of Origin: Hokkaido



Master Course

Xinran Feng

MC2 student

Prefecutre of Origin: China

Hobby: watching movies and K-POP Dance

Motto:To couple strength and gentleness.

SungGil LEE

MC2 student

Prefecture of Origin: Korea

Hobby: Theatre


Koki Ishikawa

MC2 student

Prefecture of Origin: Shiga

Hobby: musical,movie,soccer

Motto: You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Tatsuya Yabe

MC2 student

Prefecture of Origin:Chiba

Hobby: Visiting cafes

Motto: Majestic and splendid

Kaito Yamada

MC2 student

Country of Origin: Japan

Hobby: Driving,Grider

Motto: Setted dream comes true definitely

Chihiro Wakamatsu

MC2 student

Country of Origin: Japan



Rikuta kikuchi

MC1 Student

Prefecture of Origin: Japan

HObby: watching football


Yu Tomita

MC1 Student

Prefecture of Origin: Aichi

HObby: movie viewing


Masataka Iwamoto

MC1 Student

Countrt of Origin:Japan



Qiu Ziying

MC1 Student

Prefecture of Origin:China


Motto: Life is a journey, and I am nothing but a traveler.

Ryosuke Tanida

MC1 Student

Country of Origin:Japan

Hobby:Making plastic model

Motto:Keep doing,even if it's just by inertia.

Undergraduate Students

Tubasa Takahashi

UG4 Student

Country of Origin: Sapporo

Hobby:muscle training, video games

Motto:Be Healty physically and mentally

Kaoru Kohmura

UG4 Student

Prefecture of Origin:Japan

Hobby:Stroing, Video games


Ken Nishio

UG4 Student

>Prefecture of Origin:Kanagawa

Hobby:Workout, sports

motto:A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Yichi Wu

UG4 Student

Prefecture of origin:



Takeyuki Kokura

UG4 Student

Prefecture of Origin:

