特別講演会のお知らせ                                                2017.6.21

                                                              北海道支部 支部長 竹澤 聡



日 時 : 2018年  7月 24日(火)  15:00〜16:00
場 所 : 北海道大学工学部  A5−66室    (札幌市北区北13条西8丁目)

講 師 Prof. Eric CLIMENT

Institute of Fluids Mechanics, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS - Toulouse, France

講演題目 The transition to turbulence of particle suspensions.

講演内容 :

The effect of particles on turbulence is a longstanding topic of research either by experiments or simulations. I will talk about the specific case of finite size neutrally-buoyant particles dispersion in turbulent Couette and Poiseuille flows. Based on numerical simulations, I will show how particles influence turbulent properties of the carrying flow and the intricate interplay between particle accumulation and the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. These two generic configurations of wall bounded flows help a better understanding of the complex interaction between the migration of particles and flow dynamics. The modification of the regeneration cycle of turbulence is a key point of particle fluid interaction.

