特別講演会のお知らせ 2017.10.13
北海道支部 支部長 土谷 浩昭
日 時 : 2017年 11月 14日(火) 15:00〜16:00
場 所 : 北海道大学工学部 大会議室 A1-17 (札幌市北区北13条西8丁目)
講 演 :「Mechanics of aortic valve: from tissues
to cells」
Dr. Ankush Aggarwal, Wales' National
Research Network Early Career Fellow, Swansea University, UK
Aortic valve connects the left ventricle
of the heart to aorta and ensures a unidirectional blood flow. It bears the
highest pressure gradient when closed, and its stenosis is the most common
valve-related disease affecting 5% of the elderly. Mechanics plays an important
role in the development of aortic valve stenosis, as the valve cells undergo
phenotype changes due to abnormal micromechanical environment. In this talk, I
will present an overview of our work on developing a computational framework
that can be used to go from organ-scale measurements (such as ultrasound) to
predict the valve disease development. I will focus on the development of an
inverse model, which is the starting point of this framework. Then I will
present some preliminary results on how we are connecting this to cellular
共催 : 日本機械学会北海道支部バイオメカニクス懇話会
Tel&Fax: 011-706-6424, Email: ohashi@eng.hokudai.ac.jp