特別講演会のお知らせ 2017.1.20
北海道支部 支部長 森 治嗣
日 時 : 2017年 1月 27日(金) 11:00〜12:30
場 所 : 北海道大学工学部 A棟1階 大会議室 A1-17 (札幌市北区北13条西8丁目)
講 演 :
「Finite Element Modeling and Simulations
of Heteropotopic Ossification Followed Cervical Disc Total Replacement Surgery」
Prof. Ganbat Danaa, Department of Technical Mechanics, School of Mechanical
Engineering and Transportation, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
(MUST), Mongolia
Heterotopic ossification (HO) is one of the potential complications
following cervical total disk replacement. We hypothesized that heterotopic
ossification formation is related to external loading in the spinal vertebrae
after total disk replacement. Two different finite element models are
developed: (1) A two-dimensional finite element model of a cervical vertebra
treated by total disk replacement in the sagittal plane; (2) A
three-dimensional finite element model of TDR on the C5-C6 segment.
HO formation was predicted by simulating
a bone adaptation process under various physiological mechanical loadings. The
distributions of strain energy on vertebrae were assessed after HO formation.
Different types of heterotopic
ossification formation were analyzed according to the directions of forces.
「A Development of Revision Control
Framework For 3D CAD Model Data」
Assoc./Prof. Nyamsuren Purevdorj,
Department of Technical Mechanics, School of Mechanical Engineering and
Transportation, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mongolia
A web-based calculating and representing differences between 3D CAD
models is an important and challenging task in distributed, collaborative and
integrated design areas. Many CAD application developers have improved user
interfaces and connectivity supports that enable the incorporation of online
information and web applications in a convenient manner. The representing
difference involves numbers of steps such as uploading 3D model data file to
the STL converting server, calculating their differences and visualizing them
on the webpage. This presentation describes steps in involved web based
revision control system supporting most of CAD native formats.
「Influence of mountain circulations on
urban meteorology」
Dr. Gantuya Ganbat, City University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
More than half of the World's population lives in urban areas
共催 : 日本機械学会北海道支部バイオメカニクス懇話会
お問い合わせ先 : 日本機械学会北海道支部事務局(武澤) jsme-hk@eng.hokudai.ac.jp
または 大橋 俊朗 教授 北海道大学大学院工学研究院人間機械システムデザイン部門