特別講演会のお知らせ〜バイオメカニクス懇話会 第9回講演会

                                  北海道支部 支部長 堀江 隆



主催 : 日本機械学会北海道支部 バイオメカニクス懇話会
      主査 : 大橋 俊朗 (北海道大学大学院工学研究院 教授)
共催 : 日本機械学会北海道支部,日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門「計測と力学‐生体への応用」研究会

日時 : 2012年6月11日(月)
場所 : 北海道大学大学院工学研究院・工学部 大会議室 A1−17
講師 : Prof.Peter Lee
     (Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering,The University of Melbourne,Australia)
演題 : Biomechanics of Knee Impact Injury

要旨 : Despite efforts to prevent it, knee injury continues to be a problem. Epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal injuries have indicated the knee as one of the most commonly injured joints in sporting activities. In addition, impact forces that can cause soft tissue injuries to the knee such as ligaments failure also inflict micro damage to the cartilage and the underlying subchondral bone, increasing the risk of post traumatic osteoarthritis. Important questions are how does the knee joint (muscles and ligaments) responds to different impact loads? And how mechanical resilient are the knee's cartilage and subchondral bone to these extreme impact loads? To answer these fundamental questions, we have developed computational musculoskeletal models, finite element models and experiments to obtain quantitative biomechanical information such as muscles forces, ligament forces, stress and strain on cartilage and bone in the knee joint due to impact load. Using data from human subjects' motion analysis experiment, non injurious loadings were scaled into loads that could cause knee injury using a high speed mechanical test system on cadavers' knee specimens. The human subjects' and cadavers' knee joints studies provided data to apply physiological loadings to small scale osteochondral explants, enabling the study of realistic bone microstructure damages and degenerative changes in cartilage. The results will help provide a better understanding of the knee injury threshold and strategies for knee injury prevention.

連絡先・問い合わせ先 :
 日本機械学会北海道支部事務局 または
/北海道大学大学院工学研究院  大橋俊朗 教授(011-706-6424)