特別講演会                        2006.10.3

                                     支部長 工藤一彦  





日 時:平成181010日(火) 13:3015:00

場 所:北海道大学大学院工学研究科A棟1階A1-17室(物理工学系大会議室)

講 師:Prof.  Arthur J. McEvily

所 属:University of Conneticut, United States of America

演 題:Failures in Inspection Procedures: Case Studies

内 容:

The most commonly used inspection procedures for the detection of fatigue cracks are:


Visual inspection

Fluorescent Dye Penetrant inspection

Eddy Current inspection

Magnetic Particle inspection

Ultrasonic inspection


 When used properly each of these inspection procedures can be quite successful in detecting fatigue cracks, but if the inspection procedures are not properly used, the consequences can be catastrophic. In this talk examples on the misuse of inspection procedure in the aeronautical field will be discussed, and a number of illustrations of disasters caused by the improper use of these inspection procedures will be given. Although the examples are all in the aeronautical field, the lessons learned have broad applicability.  



 機械宇宙工学専攻 中村孝(011-706-6419, nakamut@eng.hokudai.ac.jp